Enrollment process

Enrollment requests

The guest user enrolls himself using a QR code or a deeplink sent by email. They both contain the same useful data to build several HTTP requests.

The user token is a token to authenticate against the REST API. When an administrator invites someone to enroll his devices, an account is created. The login is the email address provided by the administrator.

The user API token is unique among all user accounts. Using it alone is sufficient to get a session, as described in GLPI documentation.

The invitation token is a hash with limited lifetime to identify the invitation being used at enrollment time.

After the enrollment the agent must connect to the MQTT broker. The serial of the device and the password sent by the backend in the enrollment process are the credentials.

Obtaining a session token

The agent must first acquire a session token issuing a request like this:

GET http://api.domain.com/initSession?user_token=45erjbudklq5865sdkjhjks
Content-Type: application/json

Note: the header is required


200 OK
  "session_token": "83af7e620c83a50a18d3eac2f6ed05a3ca0bea62"


The URL of the backend is the base for requests built by the client, which must be suffixed by the endpoint to reach. See the GLPI documentation to know more about the rest API of GLPI.

Check the current profile

GLPI requires users have at least one profile to allow them to login. When users have several profiles, they need to send a request to switch between them. This may happen if a user enrolls his own device.

To ensure the device always use the guest profile of the user, the device must run this request

GET http://api.domain.com/getFullSession?session_token=83af7e620c83a50a18d3eac2f6ed05a3ca0bea62
Content-Type: application/json

Note: the header is required

Answer (truncated):

200 OK
  "glpi_plugins": {
    "1": "flyvemdm",
    "2": "fusioninventory"

  "snip": "many content here, not shown",

  "glpiactiveprofile": {
     "id": 9,
    "name": "Flyve MDM guest users",

  "snip": "many content here, not shown",

  "plugin_flyvemdm_guest_profiles_id": 9

Many data are returned. The agent must read inside glpiactiveprofile the value id. This is the ID of the current profile. If it differs from the value of plugin_flyvemdm_guest_profiles_id then the device needs to change its profile. If they match, the device may skip the next request.

Switch to guest profile

POST http://api.domain.com/changeActiveProfile?profiles_id=9&session_token=83af7e620c83a50a18d3eac2f6ed05a3ca0bea62
Content-Type: application/json

Note: the header is required

Note the value profiles_id in the query string. The value must match plugin_flyvemdm_guest_ profiles_id found in the previous request

Answer if the request fails

HTTP Status Error Message Cause
400 Bad Request The request is probably malformed.
404 Item not found The requested profile is not available or does not exists.

In both cases, the enrollment cannot continue.

Answer if the request succeeds

200 OK

Instantiation of the agent

After a session token is acquired, the agent must create itself in the backend. It must send its serial number or its UUID. Sending both is recommended to avoid inventory problems.

POST http://api.domain.com/PluginFlyvemdmAgent?session_token=83af7e620c83a50a18d3eac2f6ed05a3ca0bea62
Content-Type: application/json


   "_email": "emailaddress@domain.com",
   "_invitation_token": "lkhjfkgsdf546634s",
   "_serial": "0123456ATDJ-045",
   "_uuid": "49D53434-0200-9D08-9000-01DEA9028055",
   "csr": "",
   "firstname": "my first name",
   "lastname": "my lastname",
   "version": "0.99.0",
   "type": "android"
  • _email: email address of the invited user
  • _invitation_token: invitation token found in the invitation message
  • _serial: serial number of the device (serial or uuid required, both is better)
  • _uuid: UUID of the device (serial or uuid required, both is better)
  • csr: certificate signing request (not implemented yet)
  • firstname: first name of the user (optional)
  • lastname: last name of the user (optional)
  • version: version of the MDM agent
  • type: type of MDM used (must be one of the MDM types supported by the backend)

Answer if the request fails

If the enrollment fails, a JSON array is returned

400 Bad Request
   "wrong email address"

The first string is a software error code. The second string is an error message displayable to the user.

If the request fails, the enrollment cannot continue.

Answer if the request succeeds

201 OK
   "id": "17",
   "message": "XML has been imported succesfully!"

id is the ID of the agent in the database. It is needed for the next request.

Get agent’s initial settings (only if enrollment succeeded)

GET http://api.domain.com/PluginFlyvemdmAgent/17?session_token=83af7e620c83a50a18d3eac2f6ed05a3ca0bea62
Content-Type: application/json

Answer if the request succeeds

200 OK
  "id": 65,
  "name": "user5@teclib.com",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "computers_id": 65,
  "wipe": 0,
  "lock": 0,
  "enroll_status": "enrolled",
  "entities_id": 76,
  "plugin_flyvemdm_fleets_id": 103,
  "last_report": null,
  "last_contact": null,
  "certificate": "",
  "topic": "/76/agent/AZERTY",
  "mqttpasswd": "YTQUJagG7iBas45thrbwDxtzaQxZIhp4g",
  "api_token": "2qanibb1aoi16d7edqm6wcl14y6f3c24vtjupk4r"
  "broker": "demo.flyve.org",
  "port": 8883,
  "tls": 1,
  "android_bugcollecctor_url": "",
  "android_bugcollector_login": "",
  "android_bugcollector_passwd": "",
  "links": [
      "rel": "Computer",
      "href": "https://demo.flyve.org/glpi/apirest.php/Computer/65"
      "rel": "Entity",
      "href": "https://demo.flyve.org/glpi/apirest.php/Entity/76"
      "rel": "PluginFlyvemdmFleet",
      "href": "https://demo.flyve.org/glpi/apirest.php/PluginFlyvemdmFleet/103"


The property certificate in the JSON payload is the certificate delivered to the agent if the client certificate feature is enabled.

  • api_token: to consume API from GLPI. Used to download files and applications from HTTP(S).
  • mqttpasswd: password to access MQTT. Login is the serial of the device.

The api_token delivered by this request replaces the user_token used in the first request initSession. The agent must forget the user_token and save for later use the api_token received from this request.

Logout after enrollment

GET http://api.domain.com/killSession?session_token=83af7e620c83a50a18d3eac2f6ed05a3ca0bea62
Content-Type: application/json

The answer should contain an empty body.

Answer if the request succeeds

200 OK

Answer if the request fails

400 Bad Request